(Replacing Regulation 241)
102. Defective vision disqualifying person from obtaining or holding licence
- A person shall be disqualified from obtaining or holding a learner's or driving licence unless
- in the case of an application for a learner's or driving licence relating to the code A1, A, B or EB, such person has
- according to the Snellen rating a minimum visual acuity, with or without refractive correction, of 6/12 (20/40) for each eye, or where the visual acuity of one eye is less than 6/12 (20/40) or where one eye of the person concerned is blind, a minimum visual acuity for the other eye of 6/9 (20/30); and
- a minimum visual field of 70 degrees temporal, with or without refractive correction, in respect of each eye, or where the minimum visual field in respect of one eye is less than 70 degrees temporal, or where one eye is blind, a minimum total horizontal visual field of at least 115 degrees with or without refractive correction; or
- in the case of an application for a learner's or driving licence relating to the code C1 C, EC1 or EC, such person has
- according to the Snellen rating a minimum visual acuity, with or without refractive correction, of 6/9 (20/30) for each eye; and
- a minimum visual field of 70 degrees temporal in respect of each eye, with or without refractive correction.
- A person who is disqualified in terms of 'subregulation (1) may at such person's expense approach a registered optometrist or ophthalmologist to test such person's eyes in terms of the standards referred to in subregulation (1), and the result of such test shall, if it duly reflects the visual acuity of such person according to the Snellen rating, and his or her field of vision expressed in degrees, as contemplated in subregulation (1), be accepted by the driving licence testing centre.
- If the result contemplated in paragraph (a) indicates that the person concerned is disqualified as contemplated in subregulation (1), the driving licence testing centre shall not issue such person with a learner's or driving licence with a code to which the application of that person relates,
Al A motor cycle without side-car which has an engine with a cylinder capacity not exceeding 125 cubic centimetres, or which is propelled by electrical power, but does not include
- any vehicle propelled by electrical power derived from storage batteries and which is pedestrian controlled; or
- any vehicle with a tare not exceeding 230 kilograms and specially designed and constructed, and not merely adapted, for the use of any person suffering from some physical defect or disability or a person of old age and used solely by such person. Includes authorisation to drive
- (aa) a motor cycle with a side-car;
(bb) a motor tricycle;
(cc) a motor quadru-cycle, which has an engine with a cylinder capacity not exceeding 125 cubic centimetres; and
- a vehicle having pedals and an engine or an electric motor as an integral part thereof or attached thereto and which is designed or adapted to be propelled by means of such pedals, engine or motor, or both such pedals and engine or motor.
A A motor cycle without a side-car which has an engine with a cylinder capacity exceeding 125 cubic centimetres. Includes authorisation to drive
- a motor cycle with a side-car;
- a motor tricycle;
- a motor quadrucycle; and
- any other motor vehicle for which a code A1 driving licence is required.
B A motor vehicle, excluding a motor cycle, motor tricycle, motor quadrucycle, tractor and a motor vehicle which is a type of mobile agricultural or industrial equipment or machinery not designed principally for the conveyance of persons or goods, being
- a motor vehicle the tare of which does not exceed 3 500 kilograms; or
- a minibus, a bus or a goods vehicle, the gross vehicle mass of which does not exceed 3 500 kilograms, with or without a trailer, the gross vehicle mass of which does not exceed 750 kilograms, but does not include an articulated motor vehicle. Includes authorisation to drive
- a tractor, and
- a motor vehicle which is a type of mobile agricultural or industrial equipment or machinery not designed principally for the con-veyance of persons or goods, with or without a trailer.
C1 A motor vehicle, excluding a motor cycle, motor tricycle, motor quadrucycle, tractor and a motor vehicle which is a type of mobile agricultural or industrial equipment or machinery not designed principally for the conveyance of persons or goods, being
- a motor vehicle, the tare of which exceeds 3 500 kilograms but does not exceed 16 000 kilograms; or
- a minibus, a bus or a goods vehicle, the gross vehicle mass of which exceeds 3 500 kilograms but does not exceed 16 000 kilograms, with or without a trailer, the gross vehicle mass of which does not exceed 750 kilograms, but does not include an articulated motor vehicle. Includes authorisation to drive any motor vehicle for which a code B driving licence is required.
C A motor vehicle, excluding a motor cycle, motor tricycle, motor quadrucycle, tractor and a motor vehicle which is a type of mobile agricultural or industrial equipment or machinery not designed principally for the conveyance of persons or goods, being a bus or a goods vehicle. the gross vehicle mass of which exceeds 16 000 kilograms, with or without a trailer the gross vehicle mass of which does not exceed 750 kilograms, but does not include an articulated motor vehicle. Includes authorisation to drive any motor vehicle for which a code B or C1 driving licence is required.
EB A motor vehicle, excluding a motor cycle, motor tricycle, motor quadrucycle, tractor and a motor vehicle which is a type of mobile agricultural or industrial equipment or machinery not designed principally for the conveyance of persons or goods, being
- an articulated motor vehicle, of which the gross combination mass of the truck-tractor does not exceed 3 500 kilograms;
- a combination of
(aa) a motor vehicle the tare of which does not exceed 3 500 kg; or
(bb) a minibus, bus or goods vehicle, the gross vehicle mass of which does not exceed 3 500 kilograms, with a trailer the gross vehicle mass of which exceeds 750 kilograms. Includes authorisation to drive any motor vehicle for which a code B driving licence is required.
EC1 A motor vehicle, excluding a motor cycle, motor tricycle, motor quadrucycle, tractor and a motor vehicle which is a type of mobile agricultural or industrial equipment or machinery not designed principally for the conveyance of persons or goods, being
- an articulated motor vehicle, of which the gross combination mass of the truck-tractor exceeds 3 500 kilograms but does not exceed 18 000 kilograms;
- a combination of
(aa) a motor vehicle the tare of which exceeds 3 500 kg but does not exceed 16 000 kg; or
(bb) a minibus, bus or goods vehicle, the gross vehicle mass of which exceeds 3 500 kilograms but does not exceed 16 000 kilograms, with a trailer the gross vehicle mass of which exceeds 750 kilograms. Includes authorisation to drive any motor vehicle for which a code B, C1 or EB driving licence is required. <
EC A motor vehicle, excluding a motor cycle, motor tricycle, motor quadrucycle, tractor and a motor vehicle which is a type of mobile agricultural or industrial equipment or machinery not designed principally for the conveyance of persons or goods, being.
- an articulated motor vehicle of which the gross combination mass of the truck-tractor exceeds 16 000 kilograms;
- a combination of a bus or goods vehicle, the gross vehicle mass of which exceeds 16 000 kilograms, with a trailer the gross vehicle mass of which exceeds 750 kilograms. Includes authorisation to drive any motor vehicle for which a code B, C1, C, EB or EC1 driving licence is required
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